2012 COPA Fall Picnic

Dear All COPA Alumni and Friends:

COPA (China Overseas Petroleum Alumni) will hold the COPA 2012 Fall picnic. COPA encourages all alumni to bring family and friends to the party and have fun.

    Date:                  Sunday, Oct 28th, 2012
    Time:                  10:00 am – 4:00 pm
    Place:                 Bear Creek Park, Pavilion 1
    Direction:           Between 15662 and 15610 Clay Road, Houston, Texas 77084
                               (Between Bear Creek Dr and Van St. Ln
                               Please see map here: www.copaus.org/Events/2011_SP_map.ppt
    Registration:      $8 per adult (>18 years), $5 per child (6-18 years), free for kids (<6 years).
                   $5 for students
    Activities:           Social networking, volleyball, gifts for kids and door price drawing.

Bear Creek Park is located in the west of Houston. We have reserved the covered pavilion 1 for our picnic party, and the party will be held whether it rains or not (except severe storm).

Thanks for your participation and see you all at the party!