In 2018, COPA (China Overseas Petroleum Association) was established as a 501(c)(3) organization, which helps it take on additional charitable/volunteer activities and make a bigger impact in the community. COPA (China Overseas Petroleum Alumni) was founded in 1993 in Houston, Texas, by the overseas alumni of all the main Chinese petroleum institutes/universities. It has extended its membership to anyone who has worked or studied in the petroleum industry or related areas, and currently there are over 1000 members. Thus COPA accommodated to the new membership and expanded itself to the Association. COPA, as a non-political and non-profit organization, is dedicated to facilitating networking and continuing education among overseas Chinese-heritage communities in the petroleum industry or related areas. COPA members have extensive experience in their fields of expertise, such as Petroleum Exploration and Development, Petroleum Production, Management/Energy Economics/Investment, Information Technology and e-Commerce, Oil & Gas Transportation and Pipeline, Refining and Petrochemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Electrical Power, and New Ventures.
中国海外石油校友会(COPA)在1993年成立于美国休斯顿市。最初,COPA是由来自国内各大石油院校的学子们创立。 现在,COPA已经扩大为旅美石油学者和同仁们的交流中心,并于2018年正式扩展为具有免税资格的中国海外石油校友会暨协会。在某种程度上,COPA也是我们每一位海外石油华人的另一个家。在历届理事会和志愿者的热情奉献下,COPA已经成为海外旅美华人的交流平台,目前拥有1000多名会员。很多校友,特别是77-82级校友,都在各大石油公司担任重要的技术和管理职位;我们还有很多成功的北美华人石油企业家。 COPA提供一个有效的交流平台,来促进北美石油校友同仁们之间的交流。